AP Best Practices Conference at the Calvin College Covenant Fine Arts Center 2019

By Advanced Education Consultants (other events)

Tuesday, May 21 2019 7:30 AM 3:30 PM EDT

Welcome to a Conference Designed for Teachers, by Teachers. Here's the Gist: 

  1. We provide content-specific sessions (AP Language, AP Bio, AP Stats, etc...).
  2. We also offer sessions that are strategies-based (increasing academic discourse, mindfulness in the classroom, motivation in the classroom, etc) that can apply to all content areas.
  3. Conference attendees and presenters range from experienced professionals in the content areas to new teachers, all of whom are interested in learning about strategies for teaching AP students.
  4. Each session lasts 55 minutes, with 20 minutes between to answer questions, connect with colleagues, and decide where to go next. 
  5. To connect on social media, follow #apbestpractices on Twitter & Instagram!


Advanced Education Consultants